Question from ‘name’:
My question is, really, why would an atheist care to talk or explain his ‘atheism’, if we are just molecules and will vanish one day?
Answer by SmartLX:
Because all matter is atoms and molecules. Molecules differ from atoms in that they are more complex, being made up of multiple atom types (elements) and thus able to act and interact in a potentially unlimited number of ways. To the point, enough molecules of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen (and traces of many other elements) can form a brain, an organic computer which can in principle do the following:
– Understand the general concept of a god.
– Make a judgement that it’s unlikely or impossible that such a thing exists.
– Make a further judgement that belief in a god is ultimately harmful, or at least that lack of belief is preferable, based primarily on empathy for other beings with brains.
– Formulate arguments against the concept and find ways to spread them.
Even if you think God created the brain, you have to admit it’s capable of doing all this. Which of course means God created atheists, which is something Christians must explain for themselves.
7 thoughts on “Molecules Say The Darnedest Things”
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I would say there are 6 elements that form proteins.
They are oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphor and carbon.
Bodily tissues are proteins and lipids. Thus, so is the brain made of protein and lipids. The rest, except for protein, of organic matter, are lipids. Carbohydrates are fuel. So can be used as fuel, proteins and lipids, but they are more necessary as building bricks for protein and lipids. Carbs, on the other hand are only fuel. Not part of our body, but is used by it for energy. Brain prefers glucose for its fuel. I am not an expert. But I do know that only proteins contain nitrogen (azot).
I love the last bit. You nailed them. Congratulations. Thank you so much.
This “Answer by SmartLX:
Because all matter is atoms and molecules. Molecules differ from atoms in that they are more complex, being made up of multiple atom types (elements) and thus able to act and interact in a potentially unlimited number of ways. To the point, enough molecules of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen (and traces of many other elements) can form a brain, an organic computer which can in principle do the following:
– Understand the general concept of a god.” And this, “Because all matter is atoms and molecules. Molecules differ from atoms in that they are more complex, being made up of multiple atom types (elements) and thus able to act and interact in a potentially unlimited number of ways. To the point, enough molecules of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen (and traces of many other elements) can form a brain, an organic computer which can in principle do the following:
– Understand the general concept of a god.” Or this, “Even if you think God created the brain, you have to admit it’s capable of doing all this. Which of course means God created atheists, which is something Christians must explain for themselves.” Does not nail anyone. It only proves to show how little smartLx, and you Niki how ignorant you are of the world around you. But not just ignorant but ignorance because you refuse to be teachable. At least anymore. You have gotten to the place where you soaked in the nonsense of your professors who were more interested in a paycheck, than in finding truth, who spoon fed you with unprovable hyperbole, which now you in turn regurgitate without having studied that same mess and even though there are no evidences for what you are claiming, you continue making the same claims. You can’t show any where how any organism ever evolved into a different organism. You act as if this is not proof that evolution is not real, by substituting a completely normal occurrence as organisms adapting to their environments yet remaining the same organisms, as proof that those same organisms, were brought forth through the evolution of one organism morphed over millions and millions of years and boom it became all the other organisms. And yet we have no fossil trail showing anything except that each organism always produced itself. This is the same pattern that we see occurring all around us today. Each organism produces itself. It has happened for thousands of years. And because of reoccurring pattern we know that the same pattern will be occurring for the next thousands of years. And with these unfailing, unchanged patterns, we should deduce that this was what was occurring from the time that the first organisms appeared from the beginning of time. Each organism produces itself. And yet you blindly ignore the basic premise of the scientific model, where by through the observance of what we are able to perceive, through observation, the evidence of what we observe should be what we use to base our theoretical, assumptions. You blindly ignore that all patterns that we can seen or observed has only given us reason to theorize that all organisms produced offspring that resemble themselves and nothing more. Any other theory would be unsubstantiated, unproven, hypothetical, imagninings of someone’s mind. So please answer why you all find these facts that have been observed time x number of organisms, over ex number of years, not evidence enough to squash the theory of evolution and accept that the evolutionists don’t have a fossil to stand on?
But, they will say ‘god’ created us and then gave us free will. Bullocks.
There is no free will. There is cause and consequence.
Causality law. Determinism.
End of story. Sorry, you have no free will.
We are all puppets on strings.
Free will is an illusion of our stupid brains. We all have this illusions, but some of us know we are delusional about this particular thing, while most don’t. Pity, because one one is aware s/he has no free will, the one becomes really free, of illusion, that is. No more self-deception.
free will, you say Niki. Then why are there individuals who decide to follow God and keep His law, and there are those who refuse to do so? Why are those who instead of taking lives they save lives? When a man who was a womanizer, cheating on one woman to the next, suddenly decides to stop his wanderings and remain faithful to one wife. Why a person addicted to any number of substances, or compulsive soul destroying, dehumanizing actions, would all of a sudden decide to stop and turn their lives around.
Your premise is not born out by these actions seen all over the world. When people who accept God find that they now have the free will to act as they should and want to act but were powerless to do so, because they had been chained to act as slaves to their natural, carnal, instincts. But now through the power of Christ have been set free to live above this world and desire to be in a home where they are free. Truly free.
Oh there is no law of casualty, at least not if you know that you were meant to be free.
“My question is, really, why would an atheist care to talk or explain his ‘atheism’, if we are just molecules and will vanish one day?”
Depends on the atheist of course (I mention that in case you are one of those believers that think “atheists” is some kind of club where everyone thinks exactly alike, which is definitely not true in reality).
I will share why I talk about it. Put simply, I think it is important for the human race to become more rational about the reality of the universe, from everyday life all the way to long term future planning. It’s a real problem, with real implications, for our species when people use religion inappropriately. Take the issue of man made global warming. There is no doubt whatsoever in the scientific community that the climate is warming at a record pace, and it is a result of human use of fossil fuels. If all the ice in the world melted, all of Florida would be under water. ALL OF IT! Yet the deniers of all this are mostly highly religious people who actually believe that only their god could affect the climate, and therefore ignore the future danger.
Here’s a great article that illustrates it:
The continual indoctrination of succeeding generations of supernatural belief systems, coupled with the dismissal of sound science, is going to continue to bear harmful fruit to everyone, whether they believe or not.
I am an atheist because there is no evidence for the existence of god creatures or the supernatural. The reason I am a vocal atheist however is because of what religious people are doing to our future because of their continued ignorance.
“Yet the deniers of all this are mostly highly religious people”. I’m afraid this fallacy is supported by people on both sides. But the real highly religious people would say that it doesn’t matter if this is caused by us or not. This world still belongs to God who intended for us to take care of what He has created. That this world is a heritage that we are passing along to each and every generation who follows. And we of the present are God’s stewards who are to keep it as clean as we can. And since no reasonably intelligent individual, would want an ounce of the muck that is being pumped into the air and our water, to be stored in their home, then we should take any and all steps to keep it out of what we all depend on every second of every day.
That is what a true Christian would be telling you. But those who aren’t are like the atheist who is swayed by the bottom line. They are ruled by the almighty dollar. But since the Christian knows that there is a God and that we are His steward’s then most of the blame for the pollutants falls on us for having allowed it to come so far. At least it is for each individual, for not having done what we could to insure that our part of the woods was clean. There is even a Bible text that supports this. Look at the last 8 words of Revelation 11, verse 18. ” And the nations were angry; and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldest give reward unto Thy servants the prophets, and to the saints and them that fear Thy name, small and great, and shouldest destroy them that destroy the earth.”
So we should know better. And rise to our responsibilities. But we are making a big mistake when we don’t perform our duties. And those of us who don’t will pay for it at judgement day.