A Simple Question About Complexity (and Design)

Question from Sean:
Hey, I’m wondering, what is your take on the complexity of the human body and the design of the universe?

Answer by SmartLX:
It’s over here, for starters. My Great Big Arguments series serves as an extended FAQ for common approaches by believers, and this is one of those approaches. Just one, mind, not two; it’s the same thinking applied on two different scales.

Very briefly, because it’s all in print already, the complexity in the human body came about very slowly through evolution, and any “design” in the universe is only apparent. If you want to delve into something in particular, Sean, do a quick search to make sure we haven’t covered it lately and then put in a comment.

4 thoughts on “A Simple Question About Complexity (and Design)”

  1. The CONCEPT of gradual E V O L U T I O N, from ONE CELL ORGANISMS,

    Even for us, HARD CORE ATHEISTS, as am MYSELF (a lady of 70), it is VERY DIFFICULT, EXTREMELY HARD, to picture, imagine the
    E N O R M O U S LENGTH OF TIME (million of years, perhaps billions, I am not sure), needed for ONE CELL ORGANISMS to EVOLVE into today’s HUMANS…HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENS…i.e. to ME, as a human being writing this, and for that matter for YOU reading it …

    Please just try, using your TRUST in SCIENCE AND HUMAN BRAIN, but not in the BUBBLE, as I call the silly, bur sly lie the religion sells the gullible.

    1. No, what you claim as the processes due to some form of evolution, is not too hare for Creationists to imagine. We prefer to accept what is reality instead of following pure speculation. The atheists who prefer to follow impossibilities, than what is true are constantly lying to themselves. Trying to keep from seeing what is the truth.
      You are the gullible one. Accepting to believe only what is a lie. And not willing to accept the only way that everything could possible have come into being. And all of what you do believe is based upon supposition with no proof. Life coming from nothing. The universe as well. All species from one organism. All of it made possible by fortune, luck, and mere chance. Oh, and lots and lots and lots of time. This you base your faith on for evolution, and none of it supported with any evidence. All of it is because some supposed scientists said, “we think, or it could have” or something along the same plain.

  2. No, what you claim as the processes due to some form of evolution, is not too hare for Creationists to imagine. We prefer to accept what is reality instead of following pure speculation. The atheists who prefer to follow impossibilities, than what is true are constantly lying to themselves. Trying to keep from seeing what is the truth.
    You are the gullible one. Accepting to believe only what is a lie. And not willing to accept the only way that everything could possible have come into being. And all of what you do believe is based upon supposition with no proof. Life coming from nothing. The universe as well. All species from one organism. All of it made possible by fortune, luck, and mere chance. Oh, and lots and lots and lots of time. This you base your faith on for evolution, and none of it supported with any evidence. All of it is because some supposed scientists said, “we think, or it could have” or something along the same plain.

  3. Gerald writes: [We prefer to accept what is reality instead of following pure speculation.]

    What a fascinating claim. Not one writer of the Bible in the NT personally knew Jesus. Everything they wrote down was told to them by others (assuming they didn’t just make it up themselves). Not one of them can personally vouch for the legitimacy of any of it. Yet you, preacher “Gerad” (fix your name before you submit next time please), want to call that heresay “reality” while calling the billions of facts that support evolution “speculation”. Your inability to apply your standards evenly across all sides of the story is disturbing.

    [The atheists who prefer to follow impossibilities, than what is true are constantly lying to themselves.]

    I’ve pointed it out to you before, but over half of the scientists in America are religious and/or believe in a personal god. That evolution is a fact is agreed upon by many religious and atheist people alike, so claiming evolution is an atheist claim is completely untrue. Apparently the bearing of false witness is OK with your sect of Christianity as long as you are trying to promote your god creature…

    [ And all of what you do believe is based upon supposition with no proof. Life coming from nothing.]

    Here you go, yet again, making the incorrect leap to the origins of life while responding to a comment regarding evolution. I’ll explain to you, yet again, that evolution only deals with the change in groups of living things over time. That’s what evolution is. How the first life form came into being is NOT covered in evolution. Niki is commenting on evolution only, not origins of life. If you cannot grasp this difference maybe you should stop attempting to discuss the topic altogether, because you repeated ignorant mixing of the two things is making it hard to have any kind of useful discussion with you.

    [The universe as well.]

    Not surprisingly you have rambled on and now added the beginning of the universe into a discussion about evolution, something you’ve also done many a time at this website. I’ll point out yet again that the start of the universe has nothing to do with the start of life, or with the evolution of life. It’s too bad you can’t understand the simple difference between these things, and constantly struggle to stay on point.

    [This you base your faith on for evolution, and none of it supported with any evidence. All of it is because some supposed scientists said, “we think, or it could have” or something along the same plain.]

    More bearing of false witness by the Christian I see. You’ve been given plenty of evidence, along with detailed explanations, of some of the copious amounts of data that show that evolution is a fact. I’ve given it to you, and so have many others. We of course understand you don’t want to accept it, and dismiss it outright without actually being able to refute anything. What you fail to realize is that your unsupported dismissals don’t make those facts and that data go away. The facts still exist, and you can’t offer any alternative explanation for them. Your self-imposed purposeful ignorance is of your own doing, whilst the facts continue to show the validity of evolution.

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